
You can now either give a one-off donation or set up regular giving to St. Luke’s using the Parish Giving Scheme. Just click the green button below. When giving, if you are a tax-payer you can also gift aid the donation, making it worth 25% more.

To find out more about setting up regular giving with the Parish Giving Scheme check out the help page.

Direct Bank Transfer

You can set up a one off transfer to St. Luke’s or a standing order using the following bank details.

Bank Name: CAF Bank Ltd.

Sort Code: 40-52-40

Account Name: PCC of St. Luke’s Parish Ramsgate

Account Number: 00015701

If you are a tax payer making a donation to the church, please use the form below to state you are a tax-payer. You will need to select the declaration. This data goes directly and only to the church treasurer.

Frequently Asked Questions about Church Finances

How much does it cost to run St. Luke’s?

Our budget for 2023 is £88,000 that’s over £7,000 per month and nearly £1,700 per week.

Where does St. Luke’s money come from?

About £80,000 of this needs to come from the giving of St. Luke’s members, the rest comes from church rentals and fees from funerals and weddings.

Where does all this money go?

£57,000 goes towards our parish share, which is money we pay to the Diocese. Most of this is to pay for the housing, stipend and pension of the vicar, some towards the cost of training new vicars including paying for curates and some towards central Diocesan administration.
The other major costs are for parish administration (£7,000), publicity and mission (£3,000) and for the cost of maintaining and running our buildings including estimated energy costs (£21,000).

Why is it important to fill in gift aid forms?

If you are a tax-payer, then the government donates to charities the tax you would have paid on the money you give. So, for every £1 you give, the government gives 25p. That means if you are a tax-payer and donate £100, the charity will gain £125. This makes a significant difference to the amount we receive from people’s gifts.

Who knows how much I give?

Our policy at St. Luke’s is that as few people as possible know how much individuals give to St. Luke’s. In practice only the treasurer has access to all this information, but those involved in counting money may also have access to some information about how much is given by individuals. However, this information is not shared with anyone else. In particular the vicar has no idea how much people give.

Isn’t the church rich?

The national church has a lot of money, but most of this is put aside for the future pensions of clergy. They are releasing some money to support mission projects and poorer areas. In the last two years we have received grants of £10,000 to help us through the financial problems caused by Covid. We plan to use the £10,000 grant this year to pay off the debt accrued on the church hall, because of lost bookings during the pandemic.   We are also grateful to those who have left money to St. Luke’s in their wills. This type of gift will be used for Capital projects to improve our buildings rather than to pay for ongoing costs.